Dots : Series Two

At the beginning of 2016 I finished a number of drawings in quick succession. Half a year later I could see a shift in those and the subsequent drawings for the year that marked them as unique from the 2015 drawings I am now calling Dots : Series One.

The drawings in series 2 (which are on-going) share the same general process as the ones I made in 2015 but there is a freeing apparent to me, a permission I gave myself to push further and make broader marks.

Some of the phenomenological notes in these drawings are also much more intentional. The marks are a record of direct experience but also a second-hand history. There’s a question I have found myself asking, “Are they maps or landscapes?”

“Multum en Parvo”, 2016
18×18″, mixed-media on wood
“Powers + Roots”, 2016
18×18″, mixed-media on wood
“Emergent”, 2016
18×18″, mixed-media on wood
“The Subtle Divide (in two parts)”, 2016
18×18″, mixed-media on wood
“Cartesian Childhood”, 2016
18×18″, mixed-media on wood
“Tree of Life”, 2016
18×18″, mixed-media on wood
“Murmurations”, 2016
16×16″, mixed-media on wood
“Old Song”, 2016
24×24″, mixed-media on wood
“Extant (vanitas)”, 2016
24×24″, mixed-media on wood
“List of Locations”, 2016
24×24″, mixed-media on wood